Online Civil Traffic Motion

Do you have a request?

Ask the hearing officer by filing a Civil Traffic Motion.

What is a motion?
A motion is a formal written request of a judge or hearing officer to make a decision about a specific issue in a case. The most common motions filed in civil traffic matters include the following:

  1. Motion to lift suspension on driver license.
  2. Motion to continue a court date, complete defensive driving school, or obtain proof of compliance.
  3. Motion to extend a payment plan.
  4. Motion to complete community service in lieu of a fine.
  5. Motion to submit proof(s) to reduce or dismiss fine.
  6. Motion to continue a hearing (must be filed a minimum of 10 days prior to hearing).
  7. Other reasons - Be specific with what you are asking for and why.
If you are unable to submit your online Civil Traffic Motion, you may mail or file it in person at:

240 North Stone Avenue Tucson, Arizona 85701-1130

DISCLAIMER: Your civil traffic motion will be referred to the hearing officer for consideration and will be entered into the Court's case management system within two business days . With the exception of Motions to Continue Hearing, a ruling will be made within 20 days from date of submission.
Please fill out the form below to submit your Civil Traffic Motion successfully. Once you've provided the required information and/or selected your file, you will receive a confirmation e-mail to the address you have provided.

To begin, enter your case number and click "Verify Case Number". If you do not know your case number, you can find it here:

Fields marked with * are required.

Case Number*:
Ex: TR18-123456-CV

Defendant Name:*

Address:* City:*
State:* Zip:*
Phone:* Email:*
Motion To: *
Do you need an interpreter?

      Other Not Listed:   

Served in Armed Forces?


Are you experiencing a financial hardship?


Supplemental Documents

You may attach additional documents below. Choose the file you would like to upload from your computer using the "Choose a file" button. The file size must be 5 MB or less, and be of type .jpg, .png, or .pdf format. You may only submit three files at a time.



Date: Electronic Signature: *