
Welcome to the Pima County Consolidated Justice Court Website. We understand that courts can be complex, confusing and stressful. It is our purpose to provide you with essential information about the Court and the services that we provide. The Court is committed to fairness, efficiency, accessibility, and exemplary customer service.

FARE BANNER  FARE/LDC Collection Find more information and details
about our collection program.
Case Banner Buy copies of your
Easily obtain records of a case for
personal or commercial purposes.


NOTICE - Interpretation Services
If you do not speak English and need to conduct business in Court, you can request an interpreter by calling (520) 724-3171.

AVISO - Servicios de interpretación
Si usted no habla inglés y necesita realizar negocios en el tribunal puede solicitar un intérprete para ayudarle. Si necesita intérprete, favor de llamar al (520) 724-3171.